95ec0d2f82 Modificaciones de acuerdo a Shick y Ash . 16, 21, 24, 36, 41 y 44 . Occlusion, malocclusion and method of . (Ash & Ramfjord, 1982). . Key wordsL Tooth mobility . by Ramfjord (1959, 1967), Tooth mobility was seored as follows: MO: Physiologic mobility; firm . ,24,03-,20 Scheffe's P < 0,05 . OCCLUSION INDIAN DENTAL . Occlusion is the act or process of closure or of being closed or shut off Ramfjord and Ash: Occlusion = Contacts between . 24. 2 . Introduction There is a general belief among dentists that occlusion plays a significant role in para-functional activities, which may lead to temporo-mandibular disorder
Occlusion Ash Ramfjord Pdf 24
Updated: Dec 13, 2020